Is it possible to be successful in network marketing if we're marketing a product which we know to be substandard? My answer would be no, not for a typically decent, honest person.
Some people claim that the product doesn’t matter in Network Marketing; that no matter what you are selling you can be successful if you simply follow the right system. I strongly disagree, and I believe the principle holds good no matter whether we are talking about conventional marketing, face-to-face network marketing or web-based marketing.
Personally I couldn’t live with myself if I thought that I had made money by selling worthless rubbish to someone. I sincerely believe that an honest belief in the quality of the product you’re marketing is a critical basis for ANY kind of marketing and sales. Selling over the web really is no different – just because I don’t know and can’t see the person I’ve duped wouldn’t ease my conscience at all. I’m sure that most people would agree with me.
The inverse naturally follows on from this. In order to feel good about marketing ANYTHING to someone else, you need to start by having an honest belief in the product you’re selling. In order to be successful in our marketing, that belief in the product must be there.
If we take this reasoning a step further, it follows logically that the more convinced we are of the quality of our product, the more effective we are likely to be in marketing it.
Taking it just one small step further again, if we want to be really successful in our network marketing, we need to be PASSIONATE about the product we sell and truly excited to be offering it. That passion will be conveyed very quickly to our audience, no matter whether we are meeting them face to face or dealing with them through the web. And we will feel so much better about ourselves, which in turn will be conveyed back to the audience.
Clearly there are other factors which contribute to successful network marketing. Nevertheless, PASSION for the product we are selling is critical to our success. If we don’t have it, I believe that we should find another product which will give us that passion. Only then will we be truly successful in this wonderful field of Network Marketing.
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