Friday, February 5, 2010


My recent blogs have centered on questions to ask before deciding whether to set up a network marketing business, and because of this I might have given the impression that I was trying to discourage people from setting up this type of business. Far from it: rather I wanted to point out some of the key things that need to be done if a new business is to have a reasonable chance of success.

In truth I'm very excited about network marketing and the opportunities it offers. I've listed below six excellent reasons for starting up a network marketing business.

1. It offers everyone the opportunity to run their own business. So many of us have the dream of running our own business, and network marketing provides a great vehicle to allow us to do so. As my previous blogs have stressed, a network marketing business is much like any other business, and needs to be run carefully, just like any other business. But if successful your network marketing business can grow to the point where you can leave your job and make your business your career - that's a great thing to aim for!

2. Because of the way networking marketing operates, your business usually comes complete with a whole set of front- and back-office systems already in place for you to use. In his famous book, 'The E-Myth Revisited', Michael Gerber correctly pointed out that every successful business which works with other people needs to have a set of documented systems and procedures in place for those people to follow. Most of us lack the knowledge, experience or time to do this. Gerber, and Robert Kiyosaki, both point out that it is one of the great strengths of network marketing that the supplier company typically provides these systems for us ready to use. This is a very big plus.

3. Network marketing has the potential to be extremely profitable. Many millionaires have been created through network marketing, and there are many more yet to emerge. Many thousands more have made an excellent living out of network marketing. If you start your business right, as set out in my previous blogs, there is really no reason why you can't make a great deal of money.

4. It's fun. Running a successful business nearly always is fun, and network marketing is more fun than most. We get to meet and work with some really fine people, and in fact we ourselves get to choose who those people will be. Few other businesses offer this opportunity for enjoyment.

5. It's exciting and deeply satisfying. Provided you're successful, you'll find network marketing particularly exciting. It combines sales and marketing with a number of other skills (such as teaching others). Together they allow us to develop both our expertise and our personalities. With network marketing you're very unlikely to get stuck 'in a rut'.

6. The best is yet to come. Network marketing is continually developing, not only in terms of the product range which is available to market, but also in term of its use of technology. There is no doubt that the development of Web 2.0, for instance, will deliver enormous future opportunities to expand the horizons of network marketing. I have first-hand knowledge of this, because I am aware of one such massive and unique new opportunity which will almost certainly hit the market in the next two or three weeks. I promise to tweet and blog about it as soon as it comes through, so that my readers will have the first opportunity to take advantage of it. Please keep following me over the nest 2 to 3 weeks.

Yes, there are at least 6 good reasons to set up a network marketing business. and I'm sure there are many. many more. In fact we all probably have our own additional and very good personal reasons for doing so.

Make no mistake about it, network marketing is here to stay, and will get bigger and bigger over time. And all of us, no matter what our previous backgrounds, have the opportunity to participate in this enormous growth.

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