Tuesday, January 19, 2010


6. Are you willing to Invest Enough of Your Time?

It's a truism that you shouldn't treat your network marketing business as a hobby - very few hobbies make money. And if you're intending to operate any business it requires personal commitment, just as it requires financial commitment.

The personal commitment required in any business is twofold:

(a) willingness to put aside enough time to make the business successful; and

(b) determination to consistently put in that time.

Putting Aside Enough Time

Make no mistake about it, the most successful network marketers put in lots of time to keep their businesses growing. This doesn't imply that you should give up your day job in favor of your new business; far from it, but certainly you need to assess how many nights each week you're willing to put aside. Obviously, the more time you can put into it the better.

Later, if your business really does take off profitably, you may well decide to give up your day job and put all your time into your own business. When that happens, you know you're going in the right direction.

The important thing in the short term is to develop a plan of the work you want to carry out each week (eg meetings, training sessions, administrative work, etc). You should then assess the amount of time you need to spend in order to complete that work.

Are you prepared to commit that much time? It will almost certainly mean skipping other social activities, and will involve a signifiacnt sacrific for you and your family.

Consistent Use of Your Time

Probably the worst mistake you can make is to work at your new business with enormous enthusiasm for a few weeks and then find that, for whatever reason, you can no longer maintain that level of work. If you make that mistake you will almost certainly fail.

If you are sure you want to set up your new business, decide now to maintain your personal commitment. It will almost certainly take some years, so be prepared to apply your time consistently for some years!

So before you decide to go ahead with your network marketing business, ask your yourself: are you willing to put aside the necessary time to make it successful, and are you prepared to sacrifice that amount of time regularly and consistently, probably for some years to come?

If you are willing to do so, you have successfully steered your way through question number 6. You are obviously taking your new business seriously, and I wish you every success!

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