Friday, February 26, 2010


It's absolutely critical for all of us to provide quality training for our downline. Everyone says that, and I for one found it out the hard way during my early days in network marketing. So let me map out 5 important reasons why we need to do this.

1. Better results

Perhaps it's a selfish reason, but the simple reality is that we will get much better results from our team if we make sure they are all properly trained. If we simply sign people up, wish them well and leave them to their own devices, what are their chances of being successful? Pretty low. And, since our success is very much dependent on their success, we need to make sure that our people are as well trained as they can possibly be.

2. Consistency

We all have our own ideas about how to go about network marketing. So if we leave it to each individual team member to do their own thing, or even to train their own downline team, we're very probably going to get some very strange results coming through. And the larger our downline, the bigger the problem is likely to get. A consistent set of training for the whole team is therefore very desirable.

3. A Happier Downline

If people are well trained, they instinctively feel better, are happier, and enjoy their network marketing more. Again, if they perform better as a result, we all stand to benefit. Quality training therefore is extremely important.

4. Eliminate Folk Lore

By providing quality training we are creating a system for people to follow. Anyone who, like me, has been involved in implementing systems, knows how quickly 'folk lore' can come into being - that is, false advice from self-proclaimed experts as to how best to follow (or work around) the system. Folk lore can ruin a good system very quickly. on-going quality training is really the only way to eliminate it.

5. Helps Maintain Good Communication

Effective communication with our downline is critical if we want to be successful network marketers. No matter how many levels we have in our downline, we need to find ways to keep in touch with everyone and keep them fully motivated. Training won't meet this need on its own, but it is one very important way of maintain effective communication!

OK, hopefully I've convinced you that quality training is a critical element of our network marketing business - in fact, it's probably our most important business responsibility once we have a decent sized downline to work with and build on. But how do we go about doing this quality training?

For me it's not a one-off need but an on-going requirement. There are no doubt many approaches which can be successful. I'd be delighted to tell you about my own approach, but it's a big enough subject to need more time and space than is available to me now. So I promise to tell you all about the way I go about my training in a later blog.

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